Union Square Park
A tree limb crushes the legs of Hyman Schermer, a pedestrian. The city settled for $1.5 million in 2006.
Avenue J in Brooklyn
The canopy of a maple collapses, killing Hinda Segal, a grandmother. A jury awarded $2.95 million in 2007; an appeals court approved $1.6 million in 2009.
Union Square Park
A Manhattan woman, Betty Luh, is struck by a limb from a Siberian elm while sitting on a park bench. The city settled for $500,000 in 2009.
Pelham Bay Park, Bronx
A disabled cyclist, Rodolfo Guevara, is injured when a rotting tree falls across a bicycle path. The city settled for $92,500 in January 2012.
Stuyvesant Square Park
Alexis Handwerker, a social worker, is seriously injured when a limb crashes from one of the city's largest trees. The city settled for $4 million in February 2012.
Riverside Park
Sohaib Qureshi, a senior in high school, sustains brain damage when a limb falls as he plays catch. Case pending.
Central Park
Sasha Blair-Goldensohn, a computer engineer at Google, is badly injured when a dead limb from an oak overhanging a walkway falls more than 30 feet. Case pending.
Central Park
Elmaz Qyra, a 46-year-old busboy and father of two, is killed when a branch snaps on a tree designated to be removed. Case pending.
Central Park
Two women, Roberta Colores-Martinez and her daughter, Carmen Cardoso, are injured when an oak drops a big limb. Case pending.
Central Park
Gianna Ricciutti, a 6-month-old girl, is killed by a falling branch outside the Central Park Zoo. Case pending.